Just a grumpy post where I do not know how to name it

Have you been in this situation that when you have omitted 100% of effort but you got nothing in return? Yea, I always did. But I always believe in whatever I did, no matter I got any reward or not, it will not be useless. I always did some notes after listening to lecturer and I did REPEAT this for all other subjects so that I can got all those theories and everything into my head. Another advantage of doing this is to help me UNDERSTAND BETTER. Well, for other people, this might be useless or perhaps, what I did was just some RUBBISH, but I think its worthwhile to do all these things. At least, i can do my assignments with a clearer image. Friends told me that glancing through the notes before attending the lecture works, but for me, is just DOESN'T. I don't meant to share any of those SUCCESS stories as I am not one of the TOP in the school. Well this is just a part of my story where I am going to bring the TRUE story out.

So yea, here is the true story. I had siblings where they do not quite like to do housework ( well who on earth love housework?) and they actually REFUSED to do any. Be aware of the word, its REFUSE! So who is gonna do all those housework? Me and mum! But the thing is I have a very low tolerance on dust, where I could not work with dust. Will start sneezing nonstop whenever there is dust. GEE~

Although sibling and other family members refused to do any housework, they still do expect a clean house when they got back, either from school or work. I am always wondering do they have this logic? Do you think the house will be automatically clean if no one is there to clean it? There are a lot of things where we do not love in our life but can we refuse to do anything? When I made an attempt or I actually spend time doing those housework, they will start critisizing. hello peeps areyouevenfreakingdoingthework? Why are you all critisizing me afterall? I did it due to the responsibility. This is OUR home, but not hotel!

Personally think that they should not be expecting when they are not COMMITTING any single freaking thing!

ARGH anyways if you did read till here, I am quite thankful that you read my nonsense post. I am just writing this to release those unhappiness where I do not know who to tell and I have got no one to talk to. Thanks for spending your precious time reading LOL. Drop me a comment and I will visit your blog too~

And lastly, went shopping with friend yesterday and I wanted to buy this dress but the thing is I am so broke now. Hope to get it ASAP.

Do I look ok-ish in this dress?
