Lotsa photos!

Hey there! Sice I will be starting college next week so I better bOOMBARED you with all these photos. I think college will be quite simple for this semester as I am having short sem and only doing 2 subjects! Yay! Haha. The only thing that I don't quite get it is why ON EARTH should biochem students learn business and some history stuff? So yea, anyway life is like that. Still gonna go on when things are getting WEIRDER.  So just let the photo do the talking.
Some key chain thingy that my student gave.
The sepia effect right from my camera!



My doggie!

Doggy take 2

Okay thats all! By the way I am having this IMPACTED WISDOM TOOTH and gonna have this surgery soon. I am having dentist phobia and I am soooo scared!


  1. Hi I am your newest Follower, I found you on The Blog Hop, Hope you will follow back when you have a chance.


  2. Good luck at the dentist, I absolutely hate going and always try and put it off, luckily I've got naturally strong teeth. I was really lucky and got to choose my extra subjects when I was studying, it does seem weird that you need to learn about business, although maybe it'll come in useful one day xo

    1. Thanks! Haha. I just went to the dentist appointment and the dentist said need to go for x ray. So, hopefully everything is ok!

  3. I was like that when I was a student. Anyway, I found your blog via blog hop.


    1. Thanks for visiting! Saw your blog. So nice and I love it! <3


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