[Food Review] Simple Life @Cheras Leisumal

So this is actually an outdated post. Went to this restaurant called SIMPLELIFE and the food was pretty awesome, I can said. Okay, I will explain why I said so. Me and my family are VEGAN so its practically quite difficult for us to dine in somewhere oUT OF THE HOUSE. So this restaurant was just AWESOME! They promote ORGANIC and HEALTHY food btw, so its quite healthy too. The only thing is, it was not so affordable that I will consider it as everyday meal. But its still worth a try as there are some other restaurants which are much more EXPENSIVE.

Environment : 4 stars
Food : 4 stars
Service : 3 stars
Price : 2 stars
Going back? YES!

*the maximum will be 5 stars.

The menu. No msg added.

Ze bro waiting for the food


Aunt and bro.

This is part of the kids meal.

Bro with the drinks!
The fruit tea, RM12.90
This was the fruit tea. Its a peach tea based but too bad it became kinna TASTELESS after refill.
Ze bro happy with the fruit tea.

According to the waitress, doing this will make the tea nicer.

 The tea actually tasted quite peachy but it does NOT contain that mUCH of fruits as shown in the menu. So I felt kinna cheated but thank god the taste was not bad. Its considered good!
So the tea was served in shot.

The kids meal. Bro ordered maccaroni cheese. Inside the black little bowl was carrot soup. Kinna weird actually, bro ordered WESTERN food but WHY is it served with chinese soup?

Kids meal
 The kids meal cost RM9.90

Close up of the kids meal.
This was what aunt ordered. RM16.90 if I were not mistaken.
The small plate contained some appetizer, the round one was something like mochi, the centre one was tempe(which was some kind of indian food) and the green coloured one was some random vegetable. I forgot what aunt ordered but I am pretty sure that its some kind of soy sauced based meal with chili padi.

Close up of the appetizer.
Another close up
Close up of aunt's set.

Random photo of aunt doing the tea.

Mine. Guess what!

I ordered MINI STEAMBOAT! RM18.90

The soup was MISO soup based.

Close up of the mini steamboat

Threw in 2 corns

When the food was ready to eat

Try to display it nicely but FAILED

The sauce that believed to make everything nice~ YUMS


The rice. Was super nice. Red bean inside!

So the overall was quite nice. Personally think that the steamboat serving was quite big. Was super full after eating it all ALONE! Full but not stuffed. Felt healthy.

Oh and BTW chine new year is TOMORROW!!!! Will blog about it soon!
