What I've done recently

Olaaaahhhh~~~ I'm finally back in this blog. sort of like abandoned this place lol. Am still having my holiday till 14th Oct, so yeah, here I am to update this blog.

Lots of things happened in these few months. Big decisions are made, made a lot of peoples around the world, travel for a bit. Interesting life recently!

I've finally made my decision on which university to go and where to persuade my studies. Recently got my diploma done and result was out on monday. I am happy with the overall results, although it might not be like super good or excellant laaaa but atleast I achieved my goal and I passed all papers! I'm finally a DIPLOMA graduate after 2 years of hard work! And my decison~ is~~ to go to UTAR to persuade Traditional Chinese Medicine. Okay I know it doesn't make sense at all for a biochem student to go for TCM but its my interest. Hehe, so I'm gonna study for another 5 years!

Peoples that I met recently. REcently I'm really into this site called couchsurfing. I was a member since last year. I think. Lol. and I was never active. Don't reply message or never even leave a comment under any of the topics going on. So I decided to give it a try during this LOOOOONNNGGG holiday. And, thank god! I met a lot of nice people and this really open up my sight! I get to know more about others culture and a lot of things! I also get to explore more places in Malaysia! Great big thanks to the couchsurfers that are willing to explore with me! Learn alot of things from them as well! Learnt to always remember about the happy things and keep all that sad memories in the trash bin. Hehe, now I am gonna transform to a better, happier person! Alright, if you were to sign up to this site, you are gonna becareful. I do met jerks that asked for sex lol.

About the travelling part, well its nothing big, I travelled around Malaysia. Went Penang for the very first time. I consider this as I always ONLY sit in the car and EXPLORE from the car lol. But this time was different! I actually got down from the car and all the travelling was on my feet~! Went there with mum and little brother. It was a decent trip. Photos will be revealed soon at below after I finish my ramble. =)

Did my first ever photoshooting! WIth my friends and I and more to come! Photo shoot is such a hard task! Well I'm only having a semi pro GF3 so please don't expect too much~ WIll work hard to get a DSLR and hopefully can make more nicer photos!
