New environment

If you follow my blog, you should know that I've already changed uni. I'm still getting used to the new environment, new people, new style of learning. Realized that I've been too much spoon fed in my previous college. And thus now I am copping in like heck. Grr. Oh well, despite learning to cope in to a new environment, it's still quite exciting getting to know some interesting human here.

Get to know my classmates and still figuring out how should I position myself in the class. (well, if you are a typical chinese you should know what do I meant by positioning myself)  I know right I shouldn't judge people or anything but its mandatory for me to atleast know what are they and what is happening out there. From what I observed, my coursemates aren't as friendly as what I've imagines. Maybe I should just give myself more time.

Besides coursemates, people from other courses were all nice! Maybe because they are less serious. They tend to make a lot of silly jokes and bang! I am this kind of person. Therefore , we get along well. LOL.

Courseworks were insane but I'm still chilling around there. Basically doing nothing. Let's see what will happen next. I'll keep you updated. Hehe.

The only thing that motivate me is the korean language! I am seriously in love with this language! Will update more! I shall study!

after the insane workout!

I miss time in Penang

I love this shot!
