2014 New Year Resolution

Properly the last trip in my 2013 =)
Pulau Ketam

2013 had really comes to an end. (OMG why is this happening so fast?!) And I am getting one year older haiz. But no doubt, everyone grows old huh? 2013 had been a so-so for me. Lots of ups and down going here and there.  Lots of things had done this year and I actually regretted for not having a new year resolution last year. Just watched Cassie's video on new year resolution and I think I shall start woking out on mine too! It's important to make sure that you improved no? Okay, now, before 2013 ends, I'll need to review big things that happened in my life.

1. Graduated from diploma with the highly satisfied cgpa. (Oh well, at least I am happy) and got into a new       university and ended up didn't like it.
2. Being very impatient with things.
3. Got to learn a new language.
4. Met awesome people, at the same time also awful people.
5. Didn't got into any relationships throughout the year.
6. Being diagnosed with egg allergic.
7. Made a very important decision.
8. Started to workout and stick with it.
9. Lose some weight.
10. Had been a big spender.

Now let's proceed to the resolutions! In this coming year I would like to:

1. Be one of the high scorer so that I can get a scholarship.
2. Do something that benefits everyone.
3. Continue with my workout and perhaps learn to eat cleaner and then lose MORE weight.
4. Get into a relationship and maintain it.
5. Spend less, save more, earn more.
6. Try to concentrate, read more.
7. Be a better me, and be good to everyone, especially my family and quarrel less with aunt.
8. Make more photos and perhaps being able to equip myself more!
9. Swim at least once a week.
10. Travel and meet new friends.
