I'm... BACK?

Me with little brother. Not so recent though, but I like it!

After being officially missing for these while, I'm back. Blogging isn't as easy as thought though, you gonna have a good laptop that motivates you to blog. (ok this is bullshit) I'm officially in this law school now as a part timer and I have a very complicated story behind which no one would really wanna know about such lengthy and useless story. Erm, and I'm gonna start my official law programme in September? See? Told you it's useless and complicated and lengthy. And I screw my interview for a scholarship, where they basically asked just 3 questions and I was in there for like 5 minutes? (when everyone went for almost 20 minutes) Got a little depressed for that but now I am ready to go. At least I got my loan! Haha, still worth a smile right.

Let's bump into my teaching life then. Teaching is fun, especially when I'm dealing with kids. I've officially done with the previous school and now proceeding to another school. Got to know some friends from the last school, where it was a good experience. Learnt a lot on how to communicate and how to treat people in work. Well, it's totally different thing than in college. People are more complicated and life is more miserable. But on the bright side, it was a very good experience getting to work with a bunch of people, mostly woman. Scroll down and you'll probably see some picture of the default me with a bunch of happy kids. (well there was a lot of detriment indeed, to satisfy everyone) New school is even better! Though the environment wasn't as good as the previous, but the people there are far more friendlier. It might be scary for the first day, but trust me, they don't bite. They are so helpful and friendly and they gave useful tips on handling students, marking papers, etc. I'm more me in the new school, just to be frank.

There is this thing that recently haunting me a lot. Yes like ALOT. I am gonna be officially 21 next month! (or maybe in less than a month time) To be super frank, I am not ready AT ALL to age. Not to say that 21 is old, but for me, 21 is an age that one should already be achieving something. Maybe not to achieve, but already graduating and about ready to go for another phase of his/her life! My scenario here is that, my friends are all either in second or third year, but I'm yet to be in first year. While some other friends are already having a stable job and making some money, maybe saving up for a car or a house. Or at least they have a companion already lol. Not to say that I am being negative or what, sometimes I just do not quite get what on earth am I doing in my life and why am I always being stucked in the same situation all the time. I used to have this feeling that, I am the most special kid on earth I'm just gonna be special and walk out college like a winner. Don't you ever had the same feeling as well? But now, I am no longer special. At least I don't feel special at all. What I am doing is just so ordinary. The skills that I master are just so ordinary that EVERYBODY CAN DO IT. What am I gonna do? Seriously, I don't know. I don't even know how to get my crush to like me back, which is quite pathetic. I'm just like some old school girl, having a crush on the same guy for year and silently waiting for that fella to like me back. Oh wait, where am I? The boat is getting too far from my view ( only if you understand this)
Till then, ciao~

Do you realise something? My smile are default =)
