Another month

Just an irrelevant photo to make things less boring.
And it's almost a month since I've last blogged. So now that I blog, for a relieve. Blogging was really fun, and interesting in a sense that I can pour out everything here without having to explain much. Like when you tell someone about your story for the first time, (even with the BFF) they will go like..  Har?????? Then you will need to explain to them your view and all. And I HATE that. So initially I started this blog to improve my writing skills, then it turned to become some rambling blog and now it's like a trash bin. I'm throwing all my nonsense into this blog.

Recently everything had been good. I got to know some friends and they are all super friendly and approachable. And I got to know some really great and passionate lecturers. I really like the way they teach. Its so contended and they are really professional as they will still deliver informations perfectly even if they are repeating the same lecture to different classes for a few times. If I were them, I wouldn't be able to do so. Because me is no professional. hahahahaha.

There is this weird feeling I have recently. A sense of guilt. Like when I don't study I feel really guilty. But when I study, I feel tired lol. Haha. This kind of life la I am currently having.

I don't know what to say already hahahah. Btw, I miss the neighbour and I miss you.

Sometimes things are like that, the more you ask for it, the lesser the chance you will get it.
