It was just a simple command and I failed to do it

I didn't know how to rotate this so bear with me.

Having foreseen that this would be a very lengthy one therefore I didn't use Dayre. I really like the concept of Dayre, making blogging life so much more easier than ever. Blogging used to be quite a task for me as it really takes time for the inspiration to come and then there are photos to edit and etc. It kind of consumed around 1-2 hours of mine in order to get things done in my order. So, yay to Dayre!

I've recently started with a new course that I was anticipating and everything sort of went well. I liked the college, even if it reminds me a lot of my tuition place. Overall college was really good, except that I would have to wake up extra early to get myself a seat there. Lecturers are very knowledgeable and I really like the fact that I am learning something new everyday. I like being filled with things and I really like the feeling of satisfaction. From studies, I get some satisfaction.

But what happened today really striked me down a little. Lecturer gave a simple command to just go home and read a case and then came back with some notes, and we were all given 2 weeks time to prepare. It was just a real simple command and I didn't managed to do it well. All I've done was wasting time doing something irrelevant to what was asked to study. I was quite shocked on the fact that all the hard work that I've poured had turned to nothing. There MUST be something wrong with my mind. I am too rigid on things and I would always think that things will either be black or white and didn't really allow changes. Even if I was constantly reminding myself to keep things easy and have be open minded, it was just too difficult to make it done.

The fact was, when the lecturer was asking questions, my hands turned iced cold. I was scared, I panicked. This clearly showed that I wasn't PREPARED for all types of questions and all I've read was too brief, even I've got the whole law report with me for 14 days.

Maybe it's because of my attitude that I failed to identify issues that were supposed to be identify. I shouldn't take things as granted. Should really learn to drill and think like some pro and then be a all rounder.
