Before I sleep

Smile =)

So I've decided to blog again!!!! After almost a month LOL. This month is pretty much the same, college is getting more and more demanding and exhaustive. I could always see myself lying down like a dead person the moment I got home. Kind of miss those time when I have got nothing to do.

But I guess is good to keep myself busy too. To avoid overthinking. Actually is me only or it applies the same to others? I found myself rather sensitive recently. I broke down for the slightest itch. It could be as trivial as a message, a gesture or even... A smirk. What have I actually became? Why am I becoming so negative and sensitive? But luckily, I still managed to control myself to not break down in public. I'll go home and lock myself in the study room, listening to some soft music to slowly let the tears out. At least I'm releasing my inner self out of these.

Will have to put in extra effort on the last bits of my no-need-to-work days so that I could catch up with the syllabus.
