What is actually going on

So, I do not even know whether to trust or not to trust you. You seemed so real but yet at times you are just so fake that I couldn't. So should I trust you? Should I really be friends with you?

You treated us as if we had known each other for decades. And this is just weird. So this implies a challenge to me? Oh gosh, please, NO. Not now when exam is really around the corner and I'm in deep water. Just let me finish this peacefully before allocating more time thinking about this.

Sometimes it's just weird when I see people not being able to unleash their true colours whenever getting to know new friends. Everything said and done seemed to be contradicting. People wanted to trust you but unfortunately you just made yourself seemed dishonest. Why would someone just fake themselves when it comes to friend? Why hiding stuff when its already known to others? That is just weird. SO WEIRD.

However, the way you've treated us, seemed really super real. Just that when you started talking it seems to be a little unrealistic. Why think so much when we are just having a casual conversation? Blurting something out wrong will not make us hate you! And that's what friends will do!

Agrhhhh, whatever. After all, its not even my business right? And why am I putting in so much of effort thinking about your attitude? Stupid me.
