Certain Places I've been

In order to bring le blog back to life, and not to be filled with negativity, there you go! Some of the photos taken during roadtrips. =)

This was one in Melacca. Where exactly it is I wasnt't very sure. But the model <3.

To the zoo. And this goat was meehhhh-ing its way through.

I've always have this kind of feeling that, the animals in the zoo are like the prisoners. They are suppose to just stay in the wild and then happily ever after. But then, due to the desire of mankind, not wanting to have their energy wasted by trekking into the jungle to see them, there it goes, they are trapped forever in the zoo, in a limited space, having very limited diet. Mamma said, this is called fate. Due to all the sympathy, not much of photos taken.

Kind of like this, however sis said her face is as swollen as if she was having a tomato in her mouth.

One of my favourite object when it comes to photography.


Wanted to do a candid but they've spotted the camera, so this is it.

Not sure what was I aiming though.



Grasshopper or praying mantis?

It's quite weird that the butterflies were not afraid of me. I was less than an inch near to the butterfly. Thanks to my lousy lens.

That looks like a mosquito.

Was about to fly away.

Am not sure why weren't there super colourful butterflies.

Not sure what it is, and it hopped away right after I've pressed the shutter.

Gloomy castle. The only word that blurted out of my mouth the moment I saw this.

More flowers.

Alright you may skip this.

Not sure why isn't lightroom working.

Intended to create a romantic one but erm, the bubbles just doesn't seemed to be within our control. Thus, erm.. Sorry.

Overexposed but me likey!

Hi black swan that came out of nowhere!

So there it goes, my messy and random post. Till then. =)
