who to blame?

So, I've got a job. And the news came from my aunt, where she told me that I got to replace a teacher who went for maternity leave for 2 months. I went to the school, anticipating things to really go smooth, but ended up being acknowledged that the school teacher will come back in 8 days time.

8 days, wow 8 days. I've went through ups and downs with mom to get things done just to get things done. And I was told, at the very end of the entire thing that I've only got 8 days to work. What is the point of doing so much stuff when I only have got 8 days to do things? Oh gosh this is unfair. But I tell myself. It's your fault. You didn't ask.

So, lets go to incident two. I really hate people asking me questions repeatedly. Especially questions that I do not really wished to answer. When one started to ask me things repeatedly and those things are just stuff that I didn't wish to tell, I got really pissed. Like pissed. Why ask non stop? I felt humiliated, offended in a way that I might tend to feel like, why on earth are you laughing at me?

Another thing I came to realise is that, I've becoming weirder where I need people to keep their promise. If you can't do it, why make a promise? Or at least, just tell me that you could no longer keep the promise. You might think that you have not made a promise, or everything was just a joke, but for me, when you are saying it with so much of seriousness, I treated it as : I am serious.

I felt betrayed when you told me this. Like real mad when you told me that you have a plan without me. I thought we were together with OUR plan. OUR plan. But however, now it has become a plan, without me. And there goes all my effort, all time spent.
