
Am not sure why, when I like a person, I tend to picture us being together. I will tell myself that, if we were meant to be together, I would be able to picture us together. As in, imagining us being together. I've always wanted to be together with you but this is like an unreachable ambition although you are still single. I always knew that you are still available, maybe just not to me. However, your gestures are always giving me false hints that I've, maybe had done something to touch you and then you've just allowed me into your heart. Oh well, the reality is, no.

So recently, erm maybe just these few days, I've finally. Yea, FINALLY discovered something that I couldn't stand on you. Oh well, after spending years and years of discovering your strengths and some of the negligible weaknesses,  finally I've came across something that I really couldn't stand.

I really hate someone who had made promises but never intend to fulfil it. Seriously, when you can't even make it or never actually had an intention to do it, why promise? Why give false hope? This kind of human beings, shouldn't even exist. I can understand if there are really something going on that have been a barrier on you fulfilling your promise, but then why am I always the last person to know about all these changes?

Suddenly I feel so weary. Why am I suppose to be the one who has to go through all these detriments while I could actually just put in all my heart and soul into someone else? Ah oh well, PJM, you are not obliged to do it right? Why on earth are you so foolish then?

And, before I end this nonsense, finally, like FINALLY I could picture us together. Like imagining you and me standing together, in fact, quite close to each other. But, as friends. Am not feeling good at all.
