
So we talked about being selfish or being self conscious yesterday. I have always been living in my own comfort zone. Well, if you know me for long then you would have thought that I not that LC. Nah this was what I got from all my friends. So I happened to tell O about my insecurities when it comes to new friends. Whenever I am in a new environment, I tend to not talk to other people and will probably wait for others to approach me. And due to my resting bitch face, seriously no one would come an approach me.

I was a very outgoing and easy to gel with kind of person. Well, at least now am slowly working towards it. Now, I tend to not gel with other people that easily, neither do people would be able to see my extremely happy nor sad face. As in, I would only show people what's in between the spectrum. Unless you are my family members, it is very unlikely you would have a chance to see the me on the edge of the spectrum.

Yes, I am very self conscious. I care about how people look at me and I really want to leave others a good impression. And I told O about that. O said I am too selfish because I tend to not step into others shoes to think of how others feel as well.

And if you have know me for long, you wouldn't have heard me praising others, nor would I express my feelings out to my closest friends. It's not that I do not want to do it. Seriously I do admire people from the bottom of my heart but the thing is, those words just couldn't come out of my mouth.

If you happen to see my resting bitch face, please do not hesitate to come and talk to me. I don't bite. Just that I am born to have such face. Although I don't say it, it doesn't mean that I don't care for you.
