Just cleaned up my room and all and I am PREPARED for cny lol. Quite excited la for this cny haha. Bought some clothes but the thing is I do not know how to mix and match lol I am forever no good in this thing. So I think I basically just kinna like wasted my holiday like this lol. How lah?! Wanted to do some shopping with beloved Pri and snap some photos of me and her! It's like we had NEVER snap photos together since we knew each other.

Ok, just something to ask ( even though there will definately be no reply) ok do i look like I have LOTSA friends?

A candid photoshot with my fever lil bro. Cute?

The insane me. Haha.

Lil bro did this for me. Haha.

Insane take 2

Ok this one look so CUTE

I love this one hehe.

Introducing the DOG!!!
Ok am done crapping bye.

                                                                                                                         Lots of LOVe. Muacks.
