Hi, I miss you

This is basically me , levitating. I am in some kind of trouble recently. First was my wisdom tooth, it pretty much tortured me almost every single day. Second is my scalp. I am having some kind of treatment and hopefully it helps. My money flying away. 

Okay, the main thing i blog is of course to share my photos. The second one is to express how I feel. I had been missing him since the day he left. I miss him every single second. Thought it was not love but I am wrong. I am so into him until I could not withdraw myself. It hurts so much when I think of him. The worst thing is i can't tell him that I missed him. Do not want to spoil the current relationship. Became so weak in terms of relationship and this totally oppose my normal characteristics. I do get it why am I such a LOSER and failed in my previous relationships. I had it twice. Hurting the two innocent guys any myself in two years time and I finally realized that my heart is actually OCCUPIED and COULD NOT have some one else. I call this as love. I do not know what to do and how to stop myself from not being too attached to his life. He is in china, studying, and I am in Malaysia, our homeland, studying too. I always wanted to know how's his life, therefore I texted him almost EVERY single day to make sure that he is there for me. I became so fragile and suspicious. I am afraid that he might be occupied by some other girls. I wanted to tell him how I feel but I am really scared. Anything happened and I only wanted him to be here.

So here are some random photos in case I bored you

Taken this during CNY. Lil bro took this.

Love the way how he pose! Perfect poser huh?

The insane amount of books me and my BFF bought last month

I think I just had bread and that's why she is licking.


  1. Great, i Like ur photo, they are awesome, no, u r awesome! back to the focus, actually i guess u really like him when u told me u miss him. well, tell u one thing, open ur mind, sometimes u may feel u want something, and bcoz of u keep thinking, it become u like it, like getting a Mcdonald cup for example. But majority of people feel ntg after having the cup, its psychology tat make u really want it. So start from now, stop thinking and just go with ur life.If u really sure u like him, well, wait and tell him ur feeling, otherwise he dun knw. Gudluck

  2. I also wanted to figure out what was all those like. Btw, thanks for liking my photos. =)


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