I am nothing

Draining and immersing myself in the endless addictiveness. And all I am addicted is to you. Your scent, your gesture your text. Everything about you is included in my list of addiction. But to you, what am I? Do I even secure a standing somewhere in you? All I hoped is of course a YES but your reaction certainly gave me a huge NO. And this doesn't seemed good. 

Tried really hard to recite and recall our last time hanging out. It was all good. We talked, we laughed and you even sent me home. Everything seemed to be just right. Then we texted. As usual me taking the first move then you reply, at the same time asking some other stuff and me quenching your curiosity. 

Then you started to go missing. I am worried. I texted and got panicked like mad. You didn't even bother to reply. Then my mind went viral and started picturing all negative stuff that I could ever thought of. But you didn't know. Wanted to text more but afraid that it might amount to certain level of irritant to you. Therefore I think and think. And type, and erase. Then type, and erase. Repeating the same whole thing. 

When I am about to give up on you, you gave me a text. Short but sweet. Just enough for me to re-ignite the hope. Hope is always the scariest thing. Especially when people started giving hope then withdraw them. 

So what am I? I know I know. I am nothing but a foolish individual falling for you.
