Never ending dream

Can you accept who I am?

Finally, I've gathered enough of courage to tell you how I feel. It had been years. I've been falling for you. From the way you threw tantrum to the way you smile. You are just too beautiful. Every gestures, every move you make takes my breathe away. I am standing in front of you. Near enough to whisper my thoughts to you, to tell you how much I like you. Without letting others over hearing our conversation. To be precise, my confession.

You are the one guy I've been liking for the longest time. I am known to have a fluctuating mind. The smallest thing can gain my respect, where the smallest itch can cause my distaste, disregard and of course hatred. I know this is not good but it's just my habit. And habit normally stays. But you changed me. Changed my habit. You've always told me what is right and what is wrong. Telling me how to overcome obstacles. Whenever I faced any problems, the first person that popped out would be you. Similarly, whenever I need to share my happiness, you would be the first besides my family. I like you the way you are and everything of you really attracts me.

Unfortunately, I don't really know what is in your head, all the time. At times you were really friendly, easy to approach and treated me so well that it it sufficient to cause misunderstanding. I'm not sure whether you did treated other girls the same way you've been treating me. Then all the nonsense drama started to ponder in my head. I lost focus in studies, lost focus at work. All in my mind is you.

We are so similar but yet different. Everything you described seemed to be exactly me, but just that I didn't know how to show it to you. It would seemed to be a little too much of 'coincident' if I were to tell you that I was thinking the exact same thing right?

Each and every time before I called, my heart beats extraordinary fast. And when you didn't pick up your phone, I would be really down and sad. However, your phone calls always lightened up my day. I felt energised after your call.

I had a strong feeling in my heart that we will make it together and make it good. So would you want to stand by me and hold my hands?

And you said yes. A kiss was then planted on my forehead. We held hands and walked around together. Happily ever after.

And I hope this dream never ends. And I hope this is the reality.
