Random update before life starts

Holiday is gonna end in less than a day. College will be on tomorrow. Woah, suddenly I have this feeling that I’ve wasted my entire holiday. Things on my wishlist were yet to be ticked off haha. Suddenly realised how fast time flies and tadaaaaa, there it goes, my holiday.

Knowledge is gonna be a bomb where there will be tons of new knowledge exploding my rusty mind. Oh well, dear brainy, please be good and do not burst until I allow you to do so. So after today, I am gonna just focus and put all my attention to studies. No more you no more drama. 

I might have accomplished something by the year of 2016, around this period. There is this aim, where I’ll have to shred 7 kilos, also to train real hard so that we can go for a half marathon together next year. Am not really sure if I am able to do it, however I’ll try my best, just for you. Oh well, if by that time you are still not touched yet, I am already beautiful hahahahahah so no worries. 

Be optimistic ok?
