Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year has always been a festival where I used to enjoy the most. The older I grow, the less I tend to enjoy. Maybe its because of the change of lifestyle? Or people actually gets greedier as they grow? When I was young, I used to like new year because I will get to eat lots of food mom won't allow me to eat during normal days. Grandparents calling almost everyday asking when are we going home. The reunion dinner where I would be happy stealing food from the kitchen or watching grandma busy preparing dinner with mom. I like it when I get to take ice cream straight from grandpa's motor whenever I want. Although later he stopped selling ice cream, I still enjoy days where he would talked to me about life and future. The saddest moment would be the moment when we all leave, where they would stand there waving at us. There was a time when I visited them alone and stayed for a month there. When it was time to go home, grandpa actually cried. My heart actually shattered also. But I managed to squeeze a smile.

I no longer anticipate chinese new year. It's just another day to go. It's incomplete without them. Haiz.
